Acknowledgement & partners
The Faith Impact Project was funded by Porticus as part of their Faith Based Investing Program. FIIND Impact Foundation would like to extend special gratitude for their support, without which this project would not have been possible. It has been a pleasure working with the Porticus team more information about Porticus on www.porticus.com.
We would also like to thank a number of organizations, including networks, asset owners and fiduciary intermediaries for their time and contribution to the Faith Impact Project.
The Faith Impact Project would not have been possible without the support of (in alphabetical order):
Christian Super (Ross Piper and Tim Macready)
Crescent Wealth (Talal Yassine)
FaithInvest (Nana Francois, Mathew Jensen and Martin Palmer)
Fajr Capital (Noman Tahir)
Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood (Shaun Cooper)
International Waqf Fund (Morshed Alam)
Investor Advocates for Social Justice (IASJ) (Mary Beth Gallagher and Orim Graves)
Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego (Beth Sirull)
Nathan Cummings Foundation (Candice Wynter, Bob Bancroft and IC member Dimple Sahni)
Oblate International Pastoral (OIP) Investment Trust (Fr. Séamus Finn)
Oikocredit (Ging Ledesma, Petra Lens and Rebecca Watson)
Pavilion, a Mercer Practice (Texas Hemmaplardh)
Portocolom (Ana Guzmán Quintana)
Project Drawdown (Chad Frischmann and Kevin Bayuk)
Protestantse Kerk Nederland and De Nieuwe Beurskoers (Koert Jansen)
The Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church/Epworth Investment Management (Christophe Borysiewicz)
The Church Commissioners for England (Aaron Pinnock)
The English Sangha Trust (Venerable Ajahn Amaro)
The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (Dwi Irianti Hadiningdyah)
The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Kayoko Lyons)
The GIIN Faith Hub (Kate Walsh, Natalia Maria Pardo and Sean Gilbert)
Furthermore, we thank the various networks, organizations and experts who have been so kind to share their time and input with us throughout our research. They include:
Amanda Joseph (Calvert Impact Capital)
Anna McDonald (The Church of England Ethical Investment Advisory Group (EIAG))
Annelies van der Heijden (Maitreya Instituut, The Netherlands)
Athena Peralta (World Council of Churches (WCC))
Ayman Shehata (Independent Socioeconomic Researcher and ElRe7la)
Bennet Barth (BMW Foundation)
Blake Goud (Responsible Finance and Investment (RFI) Foundation)
David King (Capital for Climate)
Deborah Stern (Capital for Climate)
Dimple Sahni (Anthos Fund and Asset Management)
Eleonore Dachicourt (Credit Suisse)
Fachruddin Mangunjaya (Drafting Team Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change and Universitas Nasional, Indonesia)
Fazlun Khalid (Drafting Team Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change and Founder Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IFEES))
Frank Kellner (HSBC)
Frederique Seidel (World Council of Churches (WCC))
Gesa Voegele (CRIC)
Hany El-Banna OBE (Muslim Charities Forum and Founder of Islamic Relief Worldwide)
Heba Abou Shnief (The American University in Cairo (AUC), Egypt)
Herwig Kinzler (RMC – Consult)
Ibrahim Özdemir (Drafting Team Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change and Üsküdar University, Turkey)
Isaak Better (Wellington Management)
Iyad Abu Moghli (United Nations Environment Program (UNEP))
James Buchanan (Operation Noah and Bright Now)
Jeremie Ceyrac (Proparco)
Johannes Weber (Ananda)
Josh Zinner (Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR))
Josephine Carlsson (Church Investors Group and CCLA Investment Management)
Karin Bassler (Arbeitskreis Kirchlicher Investoren (AKI))
Leena Al Olaimy (Trillion Tree Fund)
Maddy McMahon (Founders and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities (FADICA))
Mahmoud Al-Saify (Independent Islamic Consultant)
Megan Scott (Creo Syndicate)
Moez El Shohdi (Food Banking Regional Network (FBRN))
Mohamed El Mehdi Zidani (United Nations High Commissioners for Refugees (UNHCR))
Mohammed R. Kroessin (Islamic Relief Worldwide)
Naina Batra (Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN))
Natasha Matic (King Khalid Foundation)
Rabbi Jacob Siegel (JLens Investor Network)
Rabbi Mark Goldsmith (Edgware and Hendon Reform Synagogue, United Kingdom)
Ruud van de Veen (Van Lanschot)
Ryan M. Calder (Johns Hopkins University)
Steve Hucklesby (Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment (JACEI) and Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT))
Steffen Klawitter (Finance in Motion)
Susanne Ballauf (Wellington Management)
Suzanne Biegel (Catalyst at Change)
The Reverend Canon Giles Goddard (Faith for the Climate)
The Reverend Darrell Hannah (Operation Noah)
The Reverend Henrik Grape (World Council of Churches (WCC))
Thomas Linker (Allianz Global Investors)
Tony Lent (Capital for Climate)
Uwe Rieken (Faros Consulting)
Venerable Miaoyi Shih (Foguangshan He Hua Temple, The Netherlands)
Victoria Carrion (Catholic Impact Investing Collaborative (CIIC))
William Kennedy (UN office for Partnership)
Yasin Dutton (Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, United Kingdom)
Yopi Nursali (National Islamic Finance Committee of the Republic of Indonesia)
A special thanks to Porticus which made this research possible and in particular to Caroline Bryant, Campbell Howe, Nele Ballandies and Aretha le Noble.
FIIND Impact Foundation also thanks those who have helped make the delivery of this project possible, including Robbie Checkoway and Harold Houdijk.
FIIND Impact Foundation further thanks its team for their efforts and the successful accomplishment of the Faith Impact Project, including Karina Soemarwoto, Irene Mastelli, Carol Tarr, Martina Zhekova, Rachel Tsanga Tabi and Alicia Lichter.
Lastly, FIIND Impact Foundation would like to thank Karina Soemarwoto for leading the research effort and her instrumental contribution to the Faith Impact Project.
FIIND Impact Foundation
Sophie Robé, CFA & Maarten Toussaint